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23 September 2022

Common App Schools That Don't Require Extra Essays (2022-23)

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2027

commonapplogoIn search of schools with no extra Common App essays?  Look no further, check out our list of popular schools here, updated for the 2022-23 application season.  

The list includes schools that simply require the base essay (e.g. personal statement). Keep in mind that many of these schools may have "optional" prompts which you might want to complete anyway to strengthen your application.  

If you're a student or parent with a College Kickstart Plus or Premium subscription, this information is already available to you as part of our key application requirements view.

Click on Continue Reading for the list.

23 September 2022

Early Admission Plan Changes for the Class of 2027

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2027

college kickstart logoMost schools have completed their updates for the 2022-23 admission cycle (Class of 2027), and several of the changes we've observed are worth noting. 

Roughly 30 schools have modified early admission options available to applicants this fall.  Notable changes include the switch from early action to restrictive early action at Caltech and the addition of early action at USC, Clemson and Florida State.

If you're considering early admission, be sure to check out our list as it may impact how you decide to apply this fall.   Note to our subscribers: the data has already been incorporated into the product, simply re-run College Kickstart to see how it impacts your plan.

Click on Continue Reading below for the details.

12 September 2022

U.S. News & World Report Posts 2023 College Rankings

Posted in Class of 2027, College Rankings

usnwr bestcollegesU.S. News & World Report released their 2023 college rankings earlier today.  1,500 schools were covered nationwide and evaluated on up to 17 measures of academic quality.

This year's methodology adjusts for the decline in SAT/ACT test takers, introduces a more comprehensive measure of faculty resources and reflects changes to Carenegie Classifications made in 2021.

Princeton retains sole possession of the top spot for National Universities, and Williams College tops the list of Liberal Arts Colleges.  

Click on Continue Reading to see the rankings changes. 

12 August 2022

University of California Fall 2022 Admission Trends

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2027, Class of 2026, Perspectives

ucHot off the press!  We've had a chance to review the preliminary Fall 2022 admissions data released recently by the University of California and we thought it would be helpful to summarize it and share our key findings.  

Overall freshman admission rates fell systemwide from 65 perent to 60 percent based on a 3.5 percent increase in applications and 5.1 percent decrease in acceptances. If you're an out of state or international student, pay close attention...there continues to be a window of opportunity to take advantage of favorable rates at a couple of UC campuses.

Click on Continue Reading for the details.

28 June 2022

Top Undergraduate Honors Programs (Class of 2027 Edition)

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2027

Honors ProgramsHonors programs are a terrific way for academically talented students to reap the benefits of a liberal arts education within the context of a large research institution.

To give you a better sense for how this can enrich your college experience, we’ve compiled a list of undergraduate honors programs from top public and private universities across the nation. We've included admission profiles where available, program benefits, whether an extra application is required and a link to each institution's offering for more details.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of top undergraduate honors programs now.

25 June 2022

Class of 2026 Waitlist Notification Dates and Stats

Posted in Class of 2026, Waitlist

UPDATE #3 (6/25)

Waitlist Trends (Class of 2024 vs Class of 2025)For those of you who have been waitlisted at one of your top choices, here's our initial update of Class of 2026 waitlist notification dates and status where available.  

To get a sense for what's happening at the macro level, we took a look at recently released Class of 2025 waitlist statistics from 120 private and public institutions.  Our analysis paints the following picture:

  • The number of students admitted from the waitlist declined 46 percent year over year from 61,000 for the Class of 2024 to 33,000 for the Class of 2025
  • On average, 15 percent of Class of 2025 students accepting a place on a waitlist were admitted, down from 32 percent in for the Class of 2024
  • Students admitted from the waitlist accounted for 13 percent of Class of 2025 enrollments, down from 27 percent for the Class of 2024
  • 61 percent of the schools sampled admitted 10 percent or less of the students accepting a place on the waitlist for the Class of 2025 (vs. 28 percent for the Class of 2024)

As expected, surge in waitlist activity brought on by the pandemic to more normal levels with the Class of 2025, as institutions worked through a surge in gap year deferrals, vaccinations kicked into gear and students were finally able to return to campus. We anticipate waitlist activity to continue to moderate for the Class of 2026.

Be sure to bookmark this page as we expect to be updating status over the next several weeks.

Click Continue Reading for the list.

20 June 2022

Great Colleges for First Generation/Low Income Applicants

Posted in Your College List

Great Colleges for Pell-Eligible StudentsAre you a first generation/low income applicant looking for a great place to get a college education?

While the natural tendency may be to simply look at your local public university, it might in fact not be the most affordable choice or the one that gives you the best chance to graduate on time. On the flip side, there may be private schools worth considering with great financial aid and high graduation rates, but if these institutions lack socioeconomic diversity and the critical support services and community to help you adjust, they may be poor fits as well.

Using data gathered from the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard, we’ve developed a list of approximately 30 institutions where Pell-eligible students have an opportunity to thrive without compromise. Each institution features healthy socioeconomic diversity, high graduation rates, good support programs and low debt at graduation.

Click on Continue Reading to learn more about the schools that make the cut.

18 June 2022

Top Game Design Programs for Undergraduates

Posted in Your College List

Great Game Design Programs for UndergraduatesTurn your gaming passions into a career! As the billion-dollar gaming industry rapidly expands into the world of modern entertainment and technology, more universities are beginning to offer game design programs.

Games are not only popular sources of entertainment and leisure, but also serious tools for rehabilitation and education. Now, due to a fusion of advancing technology, burgeoning esports scene, and more, demand for games is exceptionally high. Contrary to longstanding opinions, games are not merely “brain-damaging” activities, but valid academic pathways with high career potential. So go for it!

With help from sources Animation Career ReviewGameDesigning and Princeton Review, we’ve curated a list of great game design programs for undergraduates in the United States. The list includes relevant information about the academic profile, resources offered, and degree programs offered from each institution.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of top undergraduate game design programs.

17 June 2022

Great Applied and Computational Math Programs for Undergraduates

Posted in Your College List

Great Applied Math Programs for UndergraduatesInterested in STEM, but not one particular field? Does everything from quantitative finance to epidemiology to electrical engineering to climate science fascinate you? Then consider majoring in applied math!

Almost every university offers a major in mathematics. However, in many schools, the math major focuses predominantly on pure math rather than applied and computational math (ACM). In the former, which is a more traditional discipline, students take primarily theoretical courses like geometry, number theory, and topology. However, for many STEM-focused high schoolers like myself, the latter field may pique their curiosity more. In ACM, students will apply mathematical concepts such as dynamical systems and differential equations, in conjunction with other sciences like biology and physics, to analyze real-world scientific challenges.

In today’s social and technological climate, there has never been a better time to become an applied mathematician. With revolutionary computational resources that enable mathematical modeling and simulation of complex systems, students studying ACM can perform innovative work in any of the fields listed above, and so many more.

Interested in this up-and-coming, groundbreaking field? Then check out our latest list of universities with best dedicated ACM majors nationwide. Using information compiled from individual university websites, we’ve selected a list of the top institutions offering a dedicated ACM program, extensive undergraduate research opportunities for ACM students, and when available, specialized concentrations within the program.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of the universities with the best dedicated applied and computational math majors nationwide.

15 April 2022

Washington University in St. Louis Admits 3,598 Applicants to the Class of 2026

Posted in Class of 2026

Wash U logoWashington University in St. Louis announced it admitted a total of 3,598 applicants to the Class of 2026, resulting in an overall acceptanc rate of 10 percent.  

Click here for the news release.


04 April 2022

Wesleyan Admits 13.9 Percent of Applicants to the Class of 2026

Posted in Class of 2026

wesleyanWesleyan University announced it admitted 13.9 percent of applicants to the Class of 2026.  

A total of 2,013 students were admitted from a pool of 14,521 applications.

Click here for the article.


04 April 2022

Middlebury Admits 15 Percent of Applicants to the Class of 2026

Posted in Class of 2026

Middlebury LogoMiddlebury announced today that it admitted 15 percent of applicants to the Class of 2026.

A total of 13,028 applications were received, up 9 percent from the previous year.   

Click here for the news release.


01 April 2022

Hamilton Admits 11.8 Percent of Applicants to the Class of 2026

Posted in Class of 2026

hamiltonHamilton College announced it admitted 11.8 percent of applicants to the Class of 2026.  

A total of 9,899 applications were received, up six percent from the previous year. 

Click here for the news article.


31 March 2022

Dartmouth Admits 1,767 Applicants to the Class of 2026

Posted in Class of 2026

dartmouth logoDartmouth announced today that it accepted 1,767 applicants to the Class of 2026.  

Applications totaled 28,336 for the year, resulting in an overall acceptance rate of 6.2 percent.

Click here for the news release.


31 March 2022

Yale Admits 2,234 Applicants to the Class of 2026

Posted in Class of 2026

yaleYale announced today that it admitted 2,234 applicants to the Class of 2026.

A total of 50,015 applications were received this year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 4.46 percent. 

Click here for the article.

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