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17 March 2023

University of Georgia Admits 15,340+ Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2027

UGA logoThe University of Georgia admitted 15,340+ applicants to the Class of 2027.

A total of 43,700 applications were received, resulting in an overall admission rate of 35 percent.  The admit rate for Georgia residents was 48 percent, while the admit rate for non-Georgia/international applicants was 26 percent.


Click here for the article.


16 March 2023

University of Virginia Admits 9,184 Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2027

uva logoThe University of Virginia announced today that it admitted 9,184 applicants to the Class of 2027.  

A total of 56,439 applications were received, up 11 percent year over year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 16 percent.  The admission rate for residents was 27 percent vs out-of-state at 12 percent.

Click here for the blog post.


14 March 2023

MIT Admits 1,259 Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2027

mit logoThe Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced today that it admitted a total of 1,259 applicants to the Class of 2027.  

A total of 26,914 applications were submitted this year, down 20 percent year over year after reinstating the standardized testing requirement, resulting in an overall admission rate of 5 percent.  

Click here for the blog post.


09 February 2023

University of Virginia Admits 5,939 Early Action Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2027

uva logoThe University of Virginia announced today that it admitted 5,939 early action applicants to the Class of 2027.  

A total of 36,443 early action applications were received, up 17 percent year over year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 16 percent.  The admission rate for residents was 27 percent vs out-of-state at 12 percent.

Click here for the blog post.


09 February 2023

Colleges Where Male Applicants Have an Edge

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2028

student male

QUESTION: what happens when a college wants a balanced class but has to draw on a much smaller male applicant pool?

ANSWER: higher admission rates for guys!

We looked at several popular coed institutions and searched for places where there was a 20% or greater admission rate advantage for male applicants.  The result: an intriguing list of 12 schools to consider.

The majority of the schools on the list are liberal arts colleges, but you'll also be surprised to see names like Baylor and Cal State Long Beach.    

To help you categorize schools into likelies, targets and reaches, we've included admission rates, mid-50th percentile SAT and ACT scores.  We've also provided links to each school's website to help you explore fit.  

Click on Continue Reading for the details. 

09 February 2023

Colleges Where Female Applicants Have an Edge

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2028


QUESTION: what happens when a college wants a balanced class but has a much smaller female applicant pool to draw on?

ANSWER: higher admission rates for females!

Like our previous post, we looked at several popular coed institutions and searched for places where there was a 20% or greater admission rate advantage, this time for women.  The result: a list of 51 schools for qualified applicants to consider.

The list is dominated by institutions strong in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), but you'll also find some unexpected names like Grinnell College and Kenyon College.    

To help you categorize schools into likelies, targets and reaches, we've included admission rates, mid-50th percentile SAT and ACT scores.  We've also provided links to each school's website to help you explore fit.  

Click on Continue Reading for the details. 

08 February 2023

Colleges Where Demonstrated Interest is Important or Very Important

Posted in Your College List

strategizeTrying to understand how demonstrated interest factors into a college/university you're considering?  Then check out our list of institutions where demonstrated interest is deemed important or very important.  

To compile the list, we've identified every school in our coverage universe where the Common Data Set entry for "level of applicant's interest" is reported as important or very important.  Note that the Common Data set defines four options—very important, important, considered and not considered—and that inconsistencies are likely to exist in the way colleges define these terms.  

Nevertheless, the list remains a great way to get a better sense for where visiting a campus (virtually), taking advantage of an optional interview or completing an optional essay prompt may more strongly weigh on your candidacy for admission. 

Click on Continue Reading for the list. 

08 February 2023

Class of 2027 Early Decision and Early Action Notification Dates

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2027

Update #69 (2/8)

student questionsHere's our updated list of early decision and early action notification dates for the Class of 2027.  As many of you know, schools often post results in advance of their "official" notification dates, so we've compiled the most recently updated dates for you here where available, as well as last year's notification dates for reference.   Bookmark this page, as we'll be updating it frequently over the next 30 days.

Good luck, seniors!

31 January 2023

Georgia Tech Admits 2,838 Early Action 2 Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2027

gatech logoGeorgia Tech announced that it admitted 2,838 Early Action 2 applicants to the Class of 2027.  Early Action 2 is for international and out-of-state students only.  

Early Action 1 applications totaled exceeded 27,500, resulting in an admission rate of 10 percent.

Click here for the news release.


23 January 2023

USC Admits 2,400 Early Action Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2027

usc logoThe University of Southern California announced today that it admitted roughly 2,400 early action applicants to the Class of 2027.  

Over 40,600 early action applications were received, resulting in an acceptance rate of 6 percent.

Click here for the article.


21 December 2022

Brown Admits 879 Early Decision Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2027

brown logoBrown accepted 879 applicants to the Class of 2027 under early decision.  

Early decision applications totaled 6,770 this year, up 10 percent and resulting in an early admission rate of 13 percent.


Click here for the news release.


17 December 2022

Duke Admits 17 Percent of Early Decision Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2027

duke logoDuke announced today that it admitted 800 students via early decision (including QuestBridge scholars) to the Class of 2027.

A total of 4,855 applications were received, resulting in an early decision rate of 17 percent. 

Click here for the news release.


17 December 2022

MIT Admits 685 Early Action Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2027

mit logoThe Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced today that it admitted a total of 685 early action applicants to the Class of 2027.  

A total of 11,924 applications were submitted this year, down 20 percent year over year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 5.7 percent.  

Click here for the blog post.


16 December 2022

Notre Dame Admits 1,701 early applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2027

notredame logoThe University of Notre Dame announced it admitted 1,701 restrictive early action applicants to the Class of 2027.  

A total of 11,163 early applications were received, up 15 percent year over year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 15 percent.    

Click here for the news release.


16 December 2022

Dartmouth Admits 578 Early Decision Applicants to the Class of 2027

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2027

dartmouth logoDartmouth accepted 578 applicants to the Class of 2027 under early decision.  

Early decision applicants totaled 3,009, up 14 percent year over year, resulting in an acceptance rate of 19 percent.   

Click here for the news release.


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