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Articles tagged with: NYU

08 February 2023

Class of 2027 Early Decision and Early Action Notification Dates

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2027

Update #69 (2/8)

student questionsHere's our updated list of early decision and early action notification dates for the Class of 2027.  As many of you know, schools often post results in advance of their "official" notification dates, so we've compiled the most recently updated dates for you here where available, as well as last year's notification dates for reference.   Bookmark this page, as we'll be updating it frequently over the next 30 days.

Good luck, seniors!

28 October 2022

Selective Colleges with Low Test Submission Rates

Posted in Your College List, Standardized Testing, Class of 2027

testbrokenpencilAs you evaluate whether or not to submit test scores with your application, consider not only the strength of your score(s), but also the degree to which colleges of interest have embraced students without test scores.

While the colleges themselves have not been particularly forthcoming about the impact of test score submission on admission rate, the latest version of the Common Data Set (CDS) does make it possible to get a sense for the mix of the Fall 2021 entering class that submitted test scores. If 90% of the entering class submitted test scores, applying test-optional may be risky. On the flip side, if 10% of the entering class submitted test scores, you can feel pretty comfortable that applying test-optional won't put your application at risk.

This post focuses on selective, test-optional institutions where a low percentage of the Fall 2021 entering class submitted test scores. In other words, places where you can feel more comfortable applying test-optional.

Note: because the Common Data Set reports the percentage submitting SAT and percentage submitting ACT but NOT the percentage submitting both, we report the results in the form of a range and an index that represents the midpoint of that range. Each school listed has an admit rate of 50 percent or less and an index of 33 percent or lower.

Click on Continue Reading to see the list.

12 September 2022

U.S. News & World Report Posts 2023 College Rankings

Posted in Class of 2027, College Rankings

usnwr bestcollegesU.S. News & World Report released their 2023 college rankings earlier today.  1,500 schools were covered nationwide and evaluated on up to 17 measures of academic quality.

This year's methodology adjusts for the decline in SAT/ACT test takers, introduces a more comprehensive measure of faculty resources and reflects changes to Carenegie Classifications made in 2021.

Princeton retains sole possession of the top spot for National Universities, and Williams College tops the list of Liberal Arts Colleges.  

Click on Continue Reading to see the rankings changes. 

28 June 2022

Top Undergraduate Honors Programs (Class of 2027 Edition)

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2027

Honors ProgramsHonors programs are a terrific way for academically talented students to reap the benefits of a liberal arts education within the context of a large research institution.

To give you a better sense for how this can enrich your college experience, we’ve compiled a list of undergraduate honors programs from top public and private universities across the nation. We've included admission profiles where available, program benefits, whether an extra application is required and a link to each institution's offering for more details.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of top undergraduate honors programs now.

18 June 2022

Top Game Design Programs for Undergraduates

Posted in Your College List

Great Game Design Programs for UndergraduatesTurn your gaming passions into a career! As the billion-dollar gaming industry rapidly expands into the world of modern entertainment and technology, more universities are beginning to offer game design programs.

Games are not only popular sources of entertainment and leisure, but also serious tools for rehabilitation and education. Now, due to a fusion of advancing technology, burgeoning esports scene, and more, demand for games is exceptionally high. Contrary to longstanding opinions, games are not merely “brain-damaging” activities, but valid academic pathways with high career potential. So go for it!

With help from sources Animation Career ReviewGameDesigning and Princeton Review, we’ve curated a list of great game design programs for undergraduates in the United States. The list includes relevant information about the academic profile, resources offered, and degree programs offered from each institution.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of top undergraduate game design programs.

30 March 2022

NYU Admits 12.2 Percent of Applicants to Class of 2027

Posted in Class of 2026

nyu logo new york universityNYU announced today that it admitted 12.2 percent of applicants to its New York campus to the Class of 2026.  

Over 105,000 applications were received for all campuses (New York, Abu Dhabi, Shanghai).

Click here for the article.


24 March 2022

Class of 2026 Regular Decision Notification Dates

Posted in Class of 2026

UPDATE #47 (3/24)

student-questionsHere's our updated list of regular decision notification dates for the Class of 2026.  As many of you know, schools often post results in advance of their "official" notification dates, so we've compiled the most recently updated dates for you here, along with the notification dates from last year.  Bookmark this site, as we'll post updates often.

Good luck, seniors!

24 March 2022

Class of 2026 Admission Results

Posted in Class of 2026

UPDATE #11 (3/24)

gradcapsairHere's our updated list of reported overall admission rates for the Class of 2026. Results are now available for Amherst College, Boston College, Bucknell, Case Western, Colby, Colorado College, Florida State, Fordham,  Franklin & Marshall, Johns Hopkins, Macalester, MIT, Northeastern, Notre Dame, Swarthmore, University of Georgia, University of Southern California, University of Virginia, Wellesley and Williams.  Latest year application totals are available for many more.

Bookmark this page as we'll update frequently as more institutions report results. 

Click Continue Reading for the list.

10 February 2022

Class of 2026 Early Decision and Early Action Results

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2026

Update #17 (2/10)

college-studentsHere's our latest list of reported early decision and early action admission rates for the Class of 2026.

This list includes results from Barnard, Boston College, Boston University, Brown, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northeastern, Notre Dame, Oxford at Emory, Tulane, University of Georgia, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, Vanderbilt, Williams  and Yale.  

Bookmark this page, as we'll be updating it frequently over the next several weeks.

Click Continue Reading for the list.

10 February 2022

Class of 2026 Early Decision and Early Action Notification Dates

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2026

Update #68 (2/10)

student questionsHere's our updated list of early decision and early action notification dates for the Class of 2026.  As many of you know, schools often post results in advance of their "official" notification dates, so we've compiled the most recently updated dates for you here where available, as well as last year's notification dates for reference.   Bookmark this page, as we'll be updating it frequently over the next 30 days.

Good luck, seniors!

13 September 2021

U.S. News & World Report Posts 2022 College Rankings

Posted in Class of 2026, College Rankings

usnwr bestcollegesU.S. News & World Report released their 2022 college rankings yesterday.  Over 1,400 schools were covered nationwide and evaluated on multiple measures of academic excellence and outcomes to produce the final rankings.

This year's methodology adjusts for the decline in SAT/ACT test takers and continues to include test-blind institutions.

Princeton retains sole possession of the top spot for National Universities, and Williams College tops the list of Liberal Arts Colleges.  

Click on Continue Reading to see the rankings changes. 

08 July 2021

Top Undergraduate Honors Programs (Class of 2026 Edition)

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2026

Honors ProgramsHonors programs are a terrific way for academically talented students to reap the benefits of a liberal arts education within the context of a large research institution.

To give you a better sense for how this can enrich your college experience, we’ve compiled a list of undergraduate honors programs from top public and private universities across the nation. We've included admission profiles where available, program benefits, whether an extra application is required and a link to each institution's offering for more details.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of top undergraduate honors programs now.

20 May 2021

Class of 2025 Admission Results

Posted in Class of 2025

UPDATE #44 (5/16)

gradcapsairHere's our initial list of reported overall admission rates for the Class of 2025. Results are now available for Amherst College, Barnard, Boston College, Boston University, Bowdoin, Brigham Young, Brown, Bucknell, Chapman, Claremont McKenna, Colby, Colgate, Colorado College, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Davidson, Duke, Elon, Emory, Fordham, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Hamilton, Harvard, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, Lehigh, Macalester, Middlebury, MIT, Northeastern, Northwestern, Notre Dame, NYU, Oxford at Emory, Princeton, Rice, Swarthmore, Tufts, Tulane, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Pennsylvania, University of Southern California, University of Virginia, Vanderbilt, Vassar, Villanova, Washington & Lee, Washington University in St. Louis, Wellesley, Wesleyan, Williams and Yale.  Latest year application totals are available for many more.

Bookmark this page as we'll update frequently as more institutions report results. 

Click Continue Reading for the list.

01 April 2021

NYU Admits 12.8 Percent of Applicants to Class of 2025

Posted in Class of 2025

nyu logo new york universityNYU announced today that it admitted 12.8 percent of applicants to its New York campus to the Class of 2025.  

Over 100,000 applications were received for all campuses (New York, Abu Dhabi, Shanghai).

Click here for the article.


31 March 2021

Class of 2025 Regular Decision Notification Dates

Posted in Class of 2025

UPDATE #57 (3/31)

student-questionsHere's our updated list of regular decision notification dates for the Class of 2025.  As many of you know, schools often post results in advance of their "official" notification dates, so we've compiled the most recently updated dates for you here, along with the notification dates from last year.  Bookmark this site, as we'll post updates often.

Good luck, seniors!

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