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Articles tagged with: Early Decision

12 December 2014

Brown Admits 617 Applicants to Class of 2019

Posted in Early Admission

brown logoBrown accepted 617 applicants to the Class of 2019 under early decision.  

The total number of early decision remained steady at 3,016 this year, resulting in an early admission rate of 20%.

A total of 1,968 applicants were deferred to regular decision and 408 were denied admission.  

Click here for the news release.


12 December 2014

Dartmouth Admits 483 Applicants to Class of 2019

Posted in Early Admission

dartmouth logoDartmouth accepted 483 applicants to the Class of 2019 under early decision.  

The total number of early admission applicants grew to 1,859 this year, up 11% from last year's 1,682 applicants.  This resulted in an early admission rate of 26%.

Dartmouth anticipates these early admits will account for 41% of this year's class.    

Click here for the news release.


20 December 2013

Colleges Announce Early Admissions Results

Posted in Early Admission

Notre Dame Reports

Early admission results are now rolling in.  Here's the latest as of 5:00pm December 21:

InstitutionDateEarly Applicants (2018)AdmittedAdmit RateSource
Brown 12/12 3,088 583  19% Link
Dartmouth 12/11 1,678 469  28% Link
Duke 12/12 3,180 797  25% Link
Harvard 12/13 4,692 992  21% Link
Johns Hopkins 12/13 1,595 526  33% Link
MIT 12/14 6,820 612  9% Link
Northwestern 12/13 2,794 925  33% Link
Notre Dame 12/20 6,551 1,960  30% Link
Princeton 12/16 3,854 714  19% Link
Stanford 12/13 6,948 748  11% Link
University of Pennsylvania 12/16 1,595 526  25% Link
Williams 12/13 554 237  43% Link
Yale 12/16 4,750 735  15% Link

10 December 2013

Colleges Report Early Admissions Applicants

Posted in Early Admission

Updates from Boston University and Emory

The number of applicants for early admission are now starting to be reported by major colleges and universities. Here's the list as of December 10th:

Institution Date Early Applicants (2018) Early Applicants (2017) Change Source
Boston University 12/3 1,742 1,496  16.4% Link
Bowdoin 11/22 594 602  (1.3%) Link
Brown 11/20 3,086 3,010  2.5% Link
Columbia 11/21 3,296 3,126  5.4% Link
Dartmouth 11/13 1,678 1,574  6.6% Link
Duke 11/12 3,191 2,540  25.6% Link
Emory 12/4 1,151 959 (est.)  20.0% Link
Georgetown 11/8 6,569 6,565   0.1% Link
Kenyon 11/21 232 198  17.2% Link
Northwestern  11/14 2,794  2,450  14.0% Link
Princeton 11/17 3,831 3,810   0.6% Link
Swarthmore College 11/21 343 318 (est.)  8.0% Link
University of Chicago 11/26 11,143 10,316  8.0% Link
University of Pennsylvania  11/14  5,133  4,815  6.6% Link
University of Virginia 11/4 14,309 13,815  3.6% Link
Williams 11/20 550 618  (11.0)% Link
Yale 11/19 4,768 4,514  5.6% Link

06 December 2013

Student Perspectives on Early Action and Early Decision

Posted in Early Admission

Interesting September 2013 article from The Harvard Crimson Admissions Blog

Thought you'd find this September 2013 entry from the Harvard Crimson Admissions Blog of some use.  In it they interview seven recent applicants and their reasons for taking advantage of early action and decision programs.  Note: only one of the students speaks of Harvard and not all of them end up attending the school they applied to early.

Read Article

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