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12 December 2017

University of Georgia Offers Early Admission to 8,000 Applicants

Posted in Class of 2022

UGA logoThe University of Georgia offered 8,000 high schools students early admission from a pool of nearly 15,000 applicants.


Click here for the article.


29 November 2017

College Kickstart Sneak Peek for High School College Counselors (2018)

Posted in College Kickstart

2018 new localcontextworkbenchCollege Kickstart for High School Counselors features several new and exciting capabilities for 2018 to help you leverage your high school's historical admissions data and streamline board reporting.

29 November 2017

College Kickstart Sneak Peek for Independent College Counselors (2018)

Posted in College Kickstart

2018 new assuredadmissionWe're putting the finishing touches on College Kickstart for Independent Counselors and thought we'd give you a sneak peek of what's in store for 2018, including expanded assured admissions coverage, more flexible personalized plan printing and a 15 student plan.

29 November 2017

College Kickstart Sneak Peek for Students and Parents (2018)

Posted in College Kickstart

2018 new college addsWith 2018 right around the corner, we thought it was time to give you a sneak peek of some of the cool new capabilities we've got in store for rising seniors and parents this January.   

14 November 2017

What Colleges Want in an Applicant (Everything)

Posted in Class of 2022, Perspectives

nytHere's a good article from the New York Times that sheds some light on the various competiing objectives that colleges need to balance in their admissions processes and how colleges like Connecticut College, Olin College of Engineering, MIT and Yale are exploring new ways to create more holistic pictures of applicants within that context.

Click here for the article.

10 November 2017

Top Tips for University of California Applicants (Class of 2022)

Posted in Class of 2022, Perspectives

ucWith the University of California application now open for submissions, it's time to make sure everything is in order.  

Here are six tips for freshman applicants, courtesy of the University of California:


1. Send official test scores to just one UC campus

Your official SAT with writing/essay, ACT with writing, SAT subject tests and TOEFL scores be shared with all campuses where you've applied.  One exception: IELTS test scores must be sent to each campus. Note also that SAT subject tests are not required but encouraged for certain majors.

2.  November/December test scores are acceptable

November and December exam dates are acceptable even though the application due date is November 30th. Just indicate your planned test date(s) on the application, then log back into to self-report your scores once they're received.  Be sure to request that the official scores are sent to one UC campus. 

3. Request an extension and fee waiver if affected by a recent natural disaster

If you've been affected by a recent natural disaster and are unable to complete your application by November 30th, be sure to request an extension and fee waiver.  Learn more here.

4. Don't send transcripts or academic records

They'll be requested if they're needed during the application review process.  

5. Don't send letters of recommendation

They're not required or read unless specifically requested. A campus will contact you via email if one is needed.

6. You can review and make minor modifications to your application after submission

You can log in to review your application after it's been submitted, as well as update your contact information and report new test scores.  You can also apply to additional campuses.  

Note: if you've changed schools or there are changes to your academic record, you must notify the UC Application Center by email or postal mail.  Click here for more information.  


09 November 2017

When it Makes Sense to go Test-Optional

forbesHere's another useful post from Will Dix regarding the need for clarity from colleges when it comes to test-optional admissions and when to take advantage of it.  The post, entitled Hofstra Opts For Application Clarity Over Obscurity (Other Schools Should, Too), commends Hofstra for providing unusually clear recommendations for when it makes sense to submit test scores and when it doesn't.  

Click here to check out the article and recommendations.  We think you may find this helpful as you consider what to do for test-optional schools on your list.

30 October 2017

University of California Offers Extension for Applicants Affected by Natural Disasters

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2022

ucThe University of California announced today that it is accepting extensions for Fall 2018 applicants affected by natural disasters.  

For those requesting the extension, the deadline will be extended from November 30, 2017 to December 15, 2017.  You will need to email your request to with the header "Extension Request – Weather/Fire Event" and provide context in the "Additional Comments" area of the Personal Insight section.

Click here for the details.

12 October 2017

Keeping Vigil on 2017-18 Merit Scholarship Deadlines

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2022, Affordability

moneyIf you're in the hunt for merit scholarships, be sure to stay on top of explicit deadlines a school on your list might have.

In some cases, like Boston University and the University of Richmond, it's a hard deadline that you have to meet in order for you to be considered at all.  In others, like Indiana University and many other public institutions, it's a "priority" deadline that maximizes your chances of merit aid before the money runs out.  Either way, merit aid continues to be an excellent way for good students to defray the cost of an education.  

We've compiled a list of selected schools in our coverage universe with explicit deadlines, along with some stats to help you gauge the size and breadth of the institution's merit offerings.  We've also included links to each school's scholarship page for easy access to the details.

Most of these schools automatically consider you for merit scholarships without the need for an additional application.  

Click on Continue Reading below for the list.

11 October 2017

Class of 2021 Early Admission Results

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2021


college-studentsHere's our latest list of reported early admission rates for the Class of 2021.

This list includes several popular private and public schools, including Barnard, Boston College, Boston University, Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Claremont McKenna, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Davidson, Duke, Emory, Emory (Oxford), Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Hamilton, Harvard, Harvey Mudd, Johns Hopkins, Middlebury, MIT, Northwestern, Notre Dame, NYU, Pitzer, Pomona, Princeton, Rice, Scripps, Trinity College, University of Georgia, UMass Amherst, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virgina, Vanderbilt, Wesleyan, William & Mary, Williams and Yale. 

Stanford and the University of Chicago don't plan to release statistics until the end of the admissions cycle.

Click Continue Reading for the list.

27 September 2017

New College Kickstart Release Now Available!

Posted in College Kickstart

College Kickstart Logo 200x63All admissions data updates are now complete for the 2017-18 application cycle. As always, we've enriched the data in several ways to make College Kickstart even more effective for you as you finalize your college plans.  This includes the incorporation of key 2017-18 admission plan changes and application requirements, more departmental coverage and more resident/non-resident admission rates for the public institutions we cover.  Better yet, we've incorporated the latest Class of 2021 admission rates for several institutions we track, many of which have material year-over-year changes you probably don't want to be surprised by.

Click on continue reading for the details.

27 September 2017

Notable Admission Rate Changes for the Class of 2021

Posted in Class of 2022, Class of 2021


Given how sophisticated colleges have become in recruiting applicants, it's dangerous to rely on old admissions data.  

We've taken a look at our coverage universe and identified schools with notable admission rate differences between the Class of 2021 and the Class of 2020. In addition to providing the admission rates, we've included some commentary to explain why as well as a link back to the source article.

Relative to last year, the number of schools with notable changes has doubled.  Unfortunately, the news from the majority of schools listed is not in your favor, and depending on how you categorize schools, the change may be enough to turn a likely into a target or target into a reach.  On the flip side, we've also identified a few schools where rates have become more favorable due to declining applications or expanded admissions.  Regardless, take a moment to review the list—the last thing anyone needs at this point is a surprise!

College Kickstart subscribers: Class of 2021 admission rates have already been incorporated into the latest release of College Kickstart.

Click Continue Reading for the list.

21 September 2017

Colleges Where Interviews are Required or Strongly Recommended (Class of 2022)

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2022

interviewWith the fall application cycle now in full swing, it's important to keep an eye on interview requirements for the schools on your list—especially if they're looking for evidence of demonstrated interest.  

To make this easier for you, we've compiled a list of popular schools where interviews are required or strongly recommended, along with the degree to which the institution considers demonstrated interest as part of the evaluation.  

In cases like Hillsdale College where interviews are highly recommended and demonstrated interest is very important, it's a good bet than an interview is worth your time.  On the flip side, if interviews are optional and demonstrated interest isn't considered, booking an interview is less critical.  The devil is in the details, so to help you figure out your strategy we've also included a link to each listed school's interview policy.  Do keep in mind that interview requirements may often vary by major.

Click on Continue Reading for the list.

12 September 2017

U.S. News & World Report Posts 2018 College Rankings

Posted in Class of 2022, College Rankings

usnwr bestcollegesU.S. News & World Report released their 2018 college rankings earlier today.  Over 1,800 schools were covered nationwide and evaluated on multiple measures of academic excellence and outcomes to produce the final rankings.

Princeton retains sole posession of the top spot for National Universities, and Williams College tops the list of Liberal Arts Colleges.  

Click on Continue Reading to see the rankings changes. 

08 August 2017

Keeping Track of 2017-18 Application Requirements with College Kickstart

Posted in College Kickstart


Tired of Googling constantly for the latest application requirements? Look no further — let College Kickstart help you stay on top of your game. 

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