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Articles tagged with: Ivy League

14 December 2016

Brown Admits 695 applicants to the Class of 2021

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2021

brown logoBrown accepted 695 applicants to the Class of 2021 under early decision.  

The total number of early decision applicants was 3,170 this year, resulting in an early admission rate of 22%.


Click here for the news release.


13 December 2016

Cornell Admits 25.6 Percent of Early Decision Applicants to Class of 2021

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2021

cornell logoCornell accepted 25.6 percent of applicants to the Class of 2021 under early decision.  

The total number of early decision applicants grew 10 percent to 5,384.

Legacy students made up 23.3 percent of early admits and athletes made up 13.4 percent.   

Click here for the news release.


12 December 2016

Columbia receives 4,086 early decision applications for Class of 2021

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2021

Columbia University announced it received 4,086 early decision applications for the Class of 2020, up 16 percent from the previous year.  The actual admission results were not provided.  

Click here for the news release.

10 December 2016

University of Pennsylvania Admits 1,354 Early Decision Applicants to Class of 2021

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2021

upenn logoThe University of Pennsylvania admitted 1,354 early decision applicants to the Class of 2020.  

Early decision applications rose 7 percent from the previous year to 6,147, resulting in an admission rate of 22 percent.

Click here for the news release.


01 April 2016

Harvard Admits 2,037 Applicants to the Class of 2020

harvardHarvard announced it admitted 2,037 applicants to the Class of 2020.  

39,041 applications were received, up 4.6 percent from last year, resulting in an overall admit rate of 5.2 percent. 

Click here for the news release.


31 March 2016

Yale Admits 1,972 Applicants to the Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

yaleYale announced today that it admitted 1,972 applicants to the Class of 2020.

A total of 31,455 applications were received this year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 6.3 percent.  An additional 1,095 students were offered a place on the waitlist.

Click here for the article.

31 March 2016

Dartmouth Admits 2,176 Applicants to the Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

dartmouth logoDartmouth accepted 2,176 applicants to the Class of 2020.  

The total number of applicants totaled 20,675 for the year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 10.5 percent.

Click here for the news release.


31 March 2016

Brown Admits 2,250 to the Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

brown logoBrown announced today that it admitted 2,250 students to the Class of 2020.  

Applications totaled 32,380 for the year, resulting in an overall admission rate of 9 percent.  An additional 1,000 students were waitlisted.

The target size for the class is expected to be 1,665.  

Click here for the news release.


31 March 2016

Princeton Admits 1,894 Applicants to the Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

princeton logoPrinceton University announced today it admitted 1,894 students to the Class of 2020.  

Applications totaled 29,303, resulting in an overall admission rate of 6.5 percent.  An additional 1,237 candidates were offered a place on the waitlist.

The target size for the class is anticipated to be 1,308 students.

Click here for the news release.


31 March 2016

Columbia Admits 2,193 Applicants to the Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

Columbia University announced today it admitted 2,193 applicants to the Class of 2020.

A total of 36,292 applications were received, resulting in an overall admit rate of 6.0 percent.

Click here for the news release.

31 March 2016

Cornell Admits 6,277 Applicants to the Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

cornell logoCornell admitted 6,277 applicants to the Class of 2020.  

A total of 44,966 applications were received this year, resulting in an overall admit rate of 14 percent. An additional 4,572 students were offered a place on the waitlist.

The targeted size of the Class of 2020 is 3,275.   

Click here for the news release.


31 March 2016

University of Pennsylvania Admits 3,661 Applicants to the Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

upenn logoThe University of Pennsylvania announced today that it admitted 3,661 applicants to the Class of 2020.  

A totla of 38,918 applications were received, a record, resulting in an overall admit rate of 9.4 percent.

The targeted size of the Class of 2020 is 2,445 students.

Click here for the news release.


28 January 2016

Cornell Admits 27.4 Percent of Early Decision Applicants to Class of 2020

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2020

cornell logoCornell accepted 27.4 percent of applicants to the Class of 2020 under early decision.  

The total number of early decision applicants grew 7 percent to 4,833 this year.

Of the remaining applicant pool, 23.6 percent were deferred to regular decision and 50 percent were denied admission.   

Click here for the news release.


11 December 2015

University of Pennsylvania Admits 1,335 Early Decision Applicants to Class of 2020

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2020

upenn logoThe University of Pennsylvania admitted 1,335 early decision applicants to the Class of 2020.  

Early decision applications rose 5% from the previous year to 5,762, but the admission rate remained essentially unchanged at 24%.

This year's early admittees are expected to comprise 54% of this year's targeted class of 2,445 students.

Click here for the news release.


11 December 2015

Columbia receives 3,520 early decision applications for Class of 2020

Posted in Class of 2020

Columbia University announced it received 3,520 early decision applications for the Class of 2020, up 4.4 percent from the previous year.  The actual admission results were not provided.  

Click here for the news release.

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