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18 November 2015

Perspectives from a former Princeton Admissions Director on Mistakes Applicants Make

Posted in Perspectives

business-insider-logoHere's an interesting video from Steve Lemanger, a former admissions director at Princeton University, on the mistakes that applicants make.  The big takeaway is that much of your application has already been set with your grades, test scores and recommendations.

Click here to check it out.

18 November 2015

Ivy League Admissions Process

Posted in Perspectives

business-insider-logoFor those of you curious about how admission decisions are made, here's an interesting article from Business Insider on the Ivy League admissions process. Excerpted from a talk given by Nelson Urena, a former admissions officer at Cornell University, it outlines the typical steps that are taken from the time the application is submitted to the time the decision is rendered.  

Click here for the article.

16 November 2015

Foreign Students Pinch University of California Home-State Admissions

Posted in Perspectives

wsjHere's the Wall Street Journal's take on the University of California and the shift at many of its campuses to greater foreign and out-of-state enrollment.  According to the article, the UC system accepted 62% of in-state applicants in the 2014 school year compared to 84% four years earlier.

The good news for Class of 2020 applicants is that in-state admissions should improve this year, thanks to $50 million in additional state and UC system support.  If approved later this week, an additional 5,000 in-state applicants will be admitted relative to last year.

Click here for the article, or here for our take on Fall 2015 UC admission trends.


14 November 2015

Northwestern Class of 2020 Early Decision applications rise 12 percent

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2020

northwestern logoNorthwestern received 3,022 early decision applications as of the November 1st deadline, an increase of approximately 12 percent from the previous year.  According to Michael Mills, the associate provost for university enrollment, the acceptance rate for early decision candidates is likely to be similar to last year.  Mills also expects early decision admits to make up 45-50 percent of the incoming freshman class.

Click here for the article.

13 November 2015

Princeton Class of 2020 early action applications rise 9.4 percent

Posted in Early Admission, Class of 2020

princeton logoPrinceton announced that it received 4,164 single-choice early action applications as of November 11. This represents a 9.4 percent increase from last year, and is attributable to both increased outreach and the removal of the SAT subject test requirement this year.

Click here for the article.

12 November 2015

Counselor Preview Update Now Available!

Posted in College Kickstart, Product Announcements


We're pleased to announce an important new update for our Counselor Preview participants.  This update incorporates much of the great feedback you've provided in recent weeks as well as some new capabilities we think you'll find helpful:

  • A streamlined user experience
  • New modes of operation 
  • New financial aid capabilities
  • Expanded coverage universe

Click on Continue Reading for the details. 

05 November 2015

University of Pennsylvania sees slight rise in Early Decision applications

Posted in Your College List, Early Admission, Class of 2020

upenn logoThe University of Pennsylvania reported a slight rise in Early Decision applicants for the Class of 2020.  A total of 5,629 early decision applications were received this year, up 140 from last year.

Decisions will be posted on Friday, December 11.


Click here for the article.


05 November 2015

The Test Optional Surge

Posted in Perspectives

nytThe shift to test-optional admission continues to build.  This article from the New York Times highlights several reasons for the shift and reviews the results from several studies, often conflicting, on its impact.  Some suggestions for when to consider applying test optional are also made.

Click here for the article.

01 November 2015

Top 5 Tips for University of California Applicants

Posted in Perspectives

uclogoWith the University of California application now open for submissions, it's time to make sure everything is in order.  

Here are the top five tips for freshman applicants, courtesy of the University of California:


1. Send official test scores to just one UC campus

It'll be shared with all campuses where you've applied.  One exception: IELTS test scores must be sent to each campus. Note also that AP/IB scores are not required at the time of application review.

2.  November/December test scores are acceptable

November and December exam dates are acceptable even though the application due date is November 30th. Just indicate your planned test date(s) on the application, then log back into to self-report your scores once they're received.  Be sure to request that the official scores are sent to one UC campus. 

3. Don't send transcripts or academic records

They'll be requested if they're needed during the application review process.

4. Don't send letters of recommendation

They're not required or read unless specifically requested. A campus will contact you via email if one is needed.

5. You can review and make minor modifications to your application after submission

You can log in to review your application after it's been submitted, as well as update your contact information and report new test scores.  It's also possible to make *minor* changes to your activities, awards, volunteer work, employment or personal statement.  If there are significant changes, notify the UC Application Center at


29 October 2015

Keeping Vigil on Merit Scholarship Deadlines (Class of 2020)

Posted in Your College List, Class of 2020, Affordability

moneyIf you're in the hunt for merit scholarships, be sure to stay on top of explicit deadlines a school on your list might have.

In some cases, like Boston University and the University of Richmond, it's a hard deadline that you have to meet in order for you to be considered at all.  In others, like Indiana University and many other public institutions, it's a "priority" deadline that maximizes your chances of merit aid before the money runs out.  Either way, merit aid continues to be an excellent way for good students to defray the cost of an education.  

We've compiled a list of schools in our coverage universe with explicit deadlines, along with some stats to help you gauge the size and breadth of the institution's merit offerings.  We've also included links to each school's scholarship page for easy access to the details.

Most of these schools automatically consider you for merit scholarships without the need for an additional application.  

Click on Continue Reading below for the list.

27 October 2015

More Essays that Worked (Tufts Edition)

tuftsStill looking for ideas on how to write a compelling admissions essay? Then check out our latest set of essays that worked, courtesy of Tufts admissions.

This blog post includes five essays, as well as video commentary on why each one proved compelling to the admissions team.

Click here for the essays.

19 October 2015

Essays That Worked (Class of 2019)

Posted in Essays, Perspectives

johnshopkinslogoStill struggling with your college essays?  Here's an excellent post from Johns Hopkins University on essays that worked.  It provides eight actual essays submitted by applicants and commentary from the admissions committee on why they worked.

16 October 2015

Do Early Birds Catch the College Acceptance?

Posted in Your College List, Early Admission, Perspectives

The Boston GlobeWhen does it make sense to take advantage of early admission?

Here's an article from the Boston Globe, complete with perspectives from admission directors from Boston College, Babson College, Wheaton College and UMass Lowell. 

Click here for more.

15 October 2015

Which Standardized Test to Take?

Posted in Perspectives

washpostNew SAT, current SAT or ACT—which one is for me?

Here's a 30 question diagnostic developed by Dr. Gary Gruber that can help you determine which may be best for you.   

Click here for the article.

08 October 2015

A Deeper Look at the New SAT

Posted in Perspectives

newSAT image finalFor those of you wondering about the new SAT, here's an excellent article from Jed Applerouth that details the differences between the current and new formats, as well as the ACT.  

Read the article here.

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