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Articles tagged with: CUNY - York

23 September 2022

Colleges with Test-Blind/Score-Free Admission Policies for the 2022-23 Cycle

Posted in Your College List, Standardized Testing, Class of 2027

testbrokenpencilWhile the vast majority of institutions in our coverage universe offer some form of test-optional admissions, some have completely eliminated standardized testing from consideration—even if you submit scores.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of schools offering test-blind/score-free admissions for the 2022-23 cycle. For your convenience, we've included admit rates, test score ranges and links to each school's standardized test policy details to help you find suitable candidates for your college list.

College Kickstart subscribers, this is automatically updated and visible as part of the requirements view.

26 August 2021

Colleges with Test-Blind/Test-Free Admission Policies for the 2021-22 Admission Cycle

Posted in Your College List, Standardized Testing, Class of 2026

testbrokenpencilWhile the vast majority of institutions in our coverage universe offer some form of test-optional admissions, some have completely eliminated standardized testing from consideration—even if you submit scores.

Click on Continue Reading to see our list of schools offering test-blind/test-free admissions for the 2021-22 cycle. For your convenience, we've included admit rates, test score ranges and links to each school's standardized test policy details to help you find suitable candidates for your college list.

College Kickstart subscribers, this is automatically updated and visible as part of the requirements view.

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