25 November 2024
Sneak Peek for Independent Educational Consultants (2025)
We're putting the finishing touches on the next edition of College Kickstart for Independent Consultants and thought we'd give you a sneak peek. In addition to expanded school and departmental coverage—including University of California admission rates based on residency and honors course count—we've added minimum GPA enforcement and several optional features you've been requesting.
What's New for Independent Educational Consultants in 2025
Our coverage universe now exceeds 750 four-year U.S. based institutions as we continue to enhance regional coverage based on customer feedback. We now also cover admission profiles for over 500 departments across 65 institutions, including new adds for Howard University, Florida State, all three Rutgers campuses and Baylor University. For 2025, our coverage of University of California campuses goes "next level" by leveraging newly released UC data by academic discipline. While we've long provided UC departmental rates, reporting conventions have been inconsistent across campuses, both in terms of depth of coverage and frequency of reporting. The recently released data allows us to leverage admit rates AND newly introduced mid 50% GPA ranges specific to each campus and academic discipline. With consistent coverage across all UC campuses and the new GPA data, you'll benefit from more precise school categorization. Newly reported data from the University of California also gives us our first glimpse into how academic rigor impacts admissibility at a national level. The 2025 edition of College Kickstart incorporates this data by allowing UC campuses to be added to a list based on residency and three tiers of honors course count: 10+, 5-9.9 and <5 yearlong courses between grades 10-12. It's a terrific way to see how residency and rigor impact admissibility. For example, for Fall 2023, 21% of resident applicants to UCLA with 10+ honors courses were admitted vs. 5% for those with 5-9.9 honors courses and 1% for those with less than 5 honors courses. A new tag is now available to identify schools with great nursing programs (NURSE). The 2025 edition of College Kickstart also includes a new minimum GPA capability that automatically categorizes a school as an unlikely if a student's GPA falls below a minimum GPA threshold. There are two types of thresholds: Minimum GPA enforcement is a great way to ensure applicants with particularly weak GPAs are being counseled appropriately, regardless of school selectivity. Ask and you shall receive! You can now specify whether you want to include the Early Strategy, Action Plan and/or Appendices when generating a personalized plan PDF. Simply check/uncheck the boxes in each section to customize your layout.
If you're in favor of allowing students to apply early to unlikely schools, then take advantage of a new "No Regrets" override we're testing for 2025. When enabled, College Kickstart will no longer restrict unlikely schools to regular decision and allow early decision and early action to be considered with an appropriate caveat. Note: to activate this feature, please send an email to your relationship manager or to support@collegekickstart.com. Wishing the Categorization Matrix reflected counselor adjustments? Then take advantage of our new adjusted display option. When you enable this option, which we're also testing in 2025, we'll shift an adjusted school from its original position in the matrix to its adjusted one. Bear in mind that this is an approximation based on the type of adjustment made. For example, if an unlikely school has been adjusted to a target, we'll shift it down diagonally to the right. If an unlikely is adjusted to a reach, we'll shift it right one cell if the reason is academic and down one cell if the reason is related to selectivity. Note: to activate this feature, please send an email to your relationship manager or to support@collegekickstart.com.
Expanded School and Department Coverage
University of California Coverage by Academic Discipline
Rigor Alert: University of California Coverage by Honors Course Count
New Nursing Tag
Minimum GPA Enforcement
Customizable Plan PDF Layout
"No Regrets" Override
Adjusted Categorization Matrix Display
We'll fill you in on the details in January. In the meantime, feel free to learn more about College Kickstart for Counselors, schedule a demo or check out what our customers have to say by clicking on one of the buttons below.
- Tags: Class of 2030, College Kickstart
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